Polish version / Wersja polska
About the series
Publishing series of the Institute of Archeology of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow (Poland). „Prace Archeologiczne” („Archaeological Studies”), initially published as part of the general university series of „Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego” („Jagiellonian University Research Letters”), for many years served as the main publication channel for employees of the Department of Archeology of Poland and later (since 1971) of the Institute of Archeology of the Jagiellonian University. The creator of the series was Professor Rudolf Jamka, from 1950 head of the Department of Archeology of Poland, and later the first director of the Institute of Archeology of the Jagiellonian University. Professor Jamka initially acted as the editor of the series (issues 1-14), and after his death this function went to Professor Janusz K. Kozłowski (from issue 15). Currently, Professor Jan Chochorowski is the Editor-in-Chief and the chairman of the Editorial Board. The board of editors are Heads of Departments of the Institute.
From volume 62 (2008) „Prace Archeologiczne” series has a new graphic and editorial layout, and from volume 65 (2012) it is published independently from the formula of „Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego”. From volume 65 on, the executive publisher of the series is Profil-Archeo Publishing House. „Prace Archeologiczne” series from volume 62 is issued in alternative variants (but with continuous numbering of volumes): „Monographs” – thematic monographs, usually single-author (by the Institute’s employees), and „Studies ” – collections of articles, thematically connected with the directions of research activity of individual Departments of the Institute of Archaeology of the Jagiellonian University. The latter variant is open to authors from outside this unit as well. Subsequent volumes appear successively depending on the Institute’s research possibilities and research strategy.
Procedure of evaluation for publication
All volumes of the series are reviewed by independent reviewers. The procedure for qualifying works for publication is as follows: a) the submitted works are evaluated in terms of content by the Editor-in-Chief; b) selected proposals are consulted by the Editorial Board; c) the approved works are peer-reviewed by independent experts; d) the publishing house develops and implements the financing strategy for publishing costs.
Series data:
Title: Prace Archeologiczne (subtitle: Monografie or Studia)
International title: Archaeological Studies (subtitle: Monographs or Studies)
ISSN: 2353-0995
Editor-in-Chief: Jan Chochorowski
Editorial Committee: Wojciech Blajer (Jagiellonian University, Cracow), Bolesław Ginter (JU, Cracow), Janusz K. Kozłowski (JU, Cracow), Renata Madyda-Legutko (JU, Cracow), Jacek Poleski (JU, Cracow), Paweł Valde-Nowak (JU, Cracow), Jarosław Źrałka (JU, Cracow)
Editorial Secretary: Karol Dzięgielewski
Address for submitting proposals: karol.dziegielewski@uj.edu.pl
Series URL and full list of volumes: http://www.archeo.uj.edu.pl/serie-wydawnicze
Volumes published by Profil-Archeo Publishing House: