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ODA: Saved Archaeological Heritage (En)

Polish version / Wersja polska


Aims and scope of the series

The SAVED ARCHAEOLOGICAL HERITAGE (OCALONE DZIEDZICTWO ARCHEOLOGICZNE) series was initiated in 2011. Its open formula, assuming publication of the results of all kinds of rescue archaeology research, was proposed in response to the growing disproportion between the number of salvage archaeological works and their percentage introduced into scholarly circulation by professionally prepared publications. We believe that the amount of work put into preparing official (or so-called investor’s) reports from rescue excavations should not be wasted, and the obtained results deserve wide dissemination. There is no better form of reimbursement of the social costs of archaeological research than a synthetic monograph available to all those interested.

Most of the volumes published so far have been created thanks to funding from the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, which within the “Cultural Heritage” program, priority 5 (“Protection of archaeological monuments”) makes it possible to subsidize the publication of rescue research results.

In 2013, the SAVED ARCHAEOLOGICAL HERITAGE series gained a side series labelled MINIATURES. Its program assumptions remain the same as in the main series, but it is designed for lower-budget publications concerning sites which may be small in terms of the volume of archaeological material, but important in terms of scientific or conservation results. The series is published in a brochure format.

We place great emphasis on high substantive and editorial standards of the studies we publish. No less important to us than the scientific aspects are all forms of popularization, especially with the use of modern transmission techniques (visualizations, reconstructions). Each volume is published in Polish with English summaries and figure captions, or bilingually (in Polish and English).

To develop the series, we are inviting the cooperation of all institutions and companies interested in disseminating the results of their archaeological research. Within the scope of our activity we can raise funds for publication, adjust typescripts to printed versions (including substantive support in the field of archaeology), and conduct full publishing procedures.

We invite you to learn more from the more exhaustive text published in 2019 in Raport journal of National Heritage Board of Poland, available from here.

Procedure of evaluation for publication

All volumes of the series are reviewed by independent reviewers, one reviewer for the “Miniatures” series, and two for the main series. The procedure for qualifying works for publication is as follows: a) the submitted works are evaluated in terms of content by the editor of the series and the internal decision-making committee of the Publishing House; b) selected proposals are consulted by an external editorial board; c) the approved works are peer-reviewed by independent experts; the reviews are made according to blind review process rule; d) in agreement with the client, the financing formula for the publication is selected (grants, subsidies, our investment). We do not publish works at the expense of the author or authors (natural persons), nor do we depart from the above evaluation procedure because of the adopted funding path; e) the works qualified for publication undergo a comprehensive editorial work, proof-reading and language corrections by a native speaker.


Publication ethics and malpractice statement (we follow the Core Practices by the COPE)

Guidelines for authors and volume editors


Series data:

Title: Ocalone Dziedzictwo Archeologiczne
International Title: Saved Archaeological Heritage
ISSN: 2084-0071
Editor in Chief: Karol Dzięgielewski
Editorial Board: Professor Anthony Harding (University of Exeter, UK), Professor Sławomir Kadrow (University of Rzeszów, Poland), Dr. Jutta Kneisel (Kiel University, Kiel, Germany), Professor Zbigniew Kobyliński (The Cardinal Wyszyński University in Warsaw, Poland), Professor Jerzy Piekalski (University of Wrocław, Poland), Dr. Marcin S. Przybyła (Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland)
Address for submitting proposals:

From 2018, the series has been indexed on the international Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers.

Title: Ocalone Dziedzictwo Archeologiczne – Miniatury
International Title: Saved Archaeological Heritage – Miniatures
ISSN: 2353-2319
Editor in Chief: Karol Dzięgielewski
Editorial Board: Professor Anthony Harding (University of Exeter, UK), Professor Sławomir Kadrow (University of Rzeszów, Poland), Dr. Jutta Kneisel (Kiel University, Kiel, Germany), Professor Zbigniew Kobyliński (The Cardinal Wyszyński University in Warsaw, Poland), Professor Jerzy Piekalski (University of Wrocław, Poland), Dr. Marcin S. Przybyła (Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland)
Address for submitting proposals:


Hitherto published volumes:

Gogolin-Strzebniów, stanowisko 12. Cmentarzysko kultury łużyckiej na Wyżynie śląskiej

Żelazna Nowa. Cmentarzysko kultury przeworskiej z Zapilcza na południowym Mazowszu

Wilczyce. Norma i precedens w rytuale pogrzebowym małopolskiej kultury ceramiki sznurowej

Ludwinowo. Osada neolityczna na Kujawach / Ludwinowo. Neolithic settlement in Kuyavia

Gnieżdżewo – osady z przełomu epok brązu i żelaza na Pomorzu Wschodnim

Radom-Wośniki. Cmentarzysko kultury łużyckiej w regionie radomskim

Kopydłowo. Osady neolityczne z pogranicza Kujaw i Wielkopolski

Pliszczyn. Eneolityczny kompleks osadniczy na Lubelszczyźnie. Eneolithic settlement complex in the Lublin region

Koszyce. Przemoc i rytuał u schyłku neolitu

Gulin-Młyn. Cmentarzyska w regionie radomskim

Warzyn Pierwszy. Osada z epoki brązu w Małopolsce

Hrubieszów. Osada z wczesnej epoki żelaza

Zakrzewska Osada. Cmentarzyska na Pojezierzu Krajeńskim

Tresta Rządowa. Cmentarzysko kultury łużyckiej z Polski Środkowej