DOI: 10.33547/PraceArch.69.18
Supposed Bronze Age hoard of golden artefacts from the defensive settlement on the “Horodyszcze” hill in Trepcza (Polish Carpathians)
by Jerzy Ginalski 1, Piotr N. Kotowicz 2, Marcin S. Przybyła
3, Robert Wyrostkiewicz 4
1 – The Museum of Folk Architecture in Sanok, Poland; 2 – Historical Museum in Sanok, Poland; 3 – Institute of Archaeology, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland; 4 – War and Peace Museum (under construction), Popowo n. Kruszwica, Poland
In: M. S. Przybyła, K. Dzięgielewski (eds.), Chasing Bronze Age rainbows. Studies on hoards and related phenomena in prehistoric Europe in honour of Wojciech Blajer, Prace Archeologiczne 69, Kraków: Institute of Archaeology, Jagiellonian University / Profil-Archeo, 2019, pp. 399-417.
Abstract: During many years of excavations and surveys at the stronghold in Trepcza near Sanok (SE Poland) a collection of gold objects was found, which was originally dated to the Early Middle Ages. Later discoveries allowed, however, to change this interpretation and determine that we are dealing here with golden hair rings of the so called Sibin type, dated to the Early Bronze Age. The paper is devoted to this group of artefacts, and in particular to the characteristics of the contexts in which it appears in the Carpathian Basin. Considering the tendencies found in the course of the analysis and the spatial distribution of the discussed artefacts within the area of the site in Trepcza, we put forward the thesis that they are elements of the Bronze Age hoard, partly dispersed as a result of intensive earthworks carried out in the Early Middle Ages.
Key words: Bronze Age, golden artefacts, hair rings, Carpathian Basin, Steppe zone