PL 32-087 Pękowice k. Krakowa, ul. Jurajska 23

(48 12) 665-10-11

7. Opracowanie anatomo-antropologiczne szczątków kostnych

DOI: 10.33547/ODA-SAH.10.ZN.07

Opracowanie anatomo-antropologiczne szczątków kostnych (Anatomo–anthropological analysis of bone remains)

by Krzysztof Szostek 1, Aleksandra Lisowska-Gaczorek 1, Patrycja Nowakowska 2

1 – Instytut Nauk Biologicznych UKSW w Warszawie, ul. Wóycickiego 1/3, 01-938 Warszawa; 2 – Zakład Antropologii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, ul. Gronostajowa 9, 30-387 Kraków

In:  M. Cieślak-Kopyt, D. Pogodzińska 2020. Żelazna Nowa, stanowisko 2. Cmentarzysko kultury przeworskiej z Zapilcza na południowym Mazowszu, Ocalone Dziedzictwo Archeologiczne 10, Radom – Pękowice: Muzeum im. J. Malczewskiego w Radomiu, Wydawnictwo Profil-Archeo, p. 93-98.

Abstract: Subjected to anthropological analysis were bone remains recovered from the archaeological site of Żelazna Nowa in 2007, 2008, 2015, and 2017. In addition, three burial urns complete with their contents were submitted to laboratory analysis (features 33, 37, and 39). The anthropological analysis sought to determine the number of individuals buried in a grave, the sex of the deceased and their age at death, to identify animal bones occurring in graves, pathological changes and traces of ornaments discernible on bones, and to determine the degree of burning of the skeletal material. The assessment of sex and age proved in most cases impossible due to poor preservation of the bones and their deformation stemming from exposure to high temperatures.
The results obtained for those graves from Żelazna Nowa for which analysis was possible are presented in Table 7.2. Remains of 35 individuals were identified in 30 features. This is the total minimum number of determinable individuals. Among these 35 individuals are 25 adults (including 2 representing age class Adultus/Maturus and 1 Senilis), 1 individual from age class Iuvenis, and 3 children (including one Infans I and two Infans II). Animal bones were identified in 6 graves.