DOI: 10.33547/BMAK.10.1
Lokalizacja, historia i stan badań stanowiska 4 w Bęble, pow. krakowski / Site 4 in Bębło, Kraków district: its location and history, and the present
by Elżbieta Trela-Kieferling 1
1 – Muzeum Archeologiczne w Krakowie, ul. Senacka 3; 31-002 Kraków
In: E. Trela-Kieferling (ed.), Nakopalniane pracownie krzemieniarskie z okresu neolitu w Bęble, stan. 4, woj. małopolskie / Neolithic flint workshops at the mine in Bębło, site 4, Małopolska (Biblioteka Muzeum Archeologicznego w Krakowie 10), Kraków: Muzeum Archeologiczne w Krakowie, Profil-Archeo, 2021, pp. 9-14.
Site 4 in Bębło (Wielka Wieś commune, Kraków district, Małopolskie province), described earlier as Bębło-Zachruście or Bębło Site 1, lies on a plateau and the southern slope of a vast crest rising above a small dry valley to a height of 30 metres in the Ojców Upland, a part of the Olkusz Upland. At present, the Bębło collection in the Archaeological Museum in Kraków consists of 7647 flint artefacts uncovered by Albin Jura and 1244 flint artefacts from the exploration carried out by S. Kowalski and J.K. Kozłowski. The analysis of the flint artefacts and the non-invasive exploration of Site 4 in Bębło have been carried out within the grant implemented by the Archaeological Museum in Kraków with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, within Priority 5 of the National Institute of Cultural Heritage, project no. 00298/20, supervised by Elżbieta Trela-Kieferling.