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7.3. Hodowla bydła w świetle analizy izotopów trwałych / 7.3. Stable isotope perspectives of cattle husbandry practices

DOI: 10.33547/ODA-SAH.08.Lud.07.3

Hodowla bydła w świetle analizy izotopów trwałych / Stable isotope perspectives of cattle husbandry practices

by Iain P. Kendall 1, Rosalind E. Gillis 2,3, Marie Balasse 3, Richard P. Evershed 1

1 – Organic Geochemistry Unit, School of Chemistry, University of Bristol; 2 – Graduate School: Human Development in Landscapes, Christian−Albrechts−University, Kiel; 3 – Archéozoologie, Archéobotanique: Sociétés, Pratiques et Environnements (AASPE); Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, CNRS, Paris

In: Joanna Pyzel (ed.) 2019. Ludwinowo, stanowisko 7. Osada neolityczna na Kujawach / Ludwinowo, site 7. Neolithic settlement in Kuyavia, Ocalone Dziedzictwo Archeologiczne 8, Pękowice – Gdańsk: Profil-Archeo, University of Gdańsk Publishing House, pp. 277-288.

Abstract: Chapter 7.3 discusses the results of stable isotope analysis of 10 cattle teeth from Ludwinowo 7. They provide information on the length of birthing period and thus the potential availability of dairy products as well as indications of local environment through the evidence about pasturing and foddering practices.

Keywords: Ludwinowo, Kuyavia, Neolithic, LBK, stable isotope analysis, early dairying economy

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