DOI: 10.33547/BMAK.10.7
Strategie krzemieniarskie i datowanie pracowni nakopalnianych na stanowisku 4 w Bęble, pow. krakowski / Strategies in flint knapping and the dating of workshops at the flint mine in Bębło, site 4, Kraków district
by Elżbieta Trela-Kieferling 1
1 – Muzeum Archeologiczne w Krakowie, ul. Senacka 3; 31-002 Kraków
In: E. Trela-Kieferling (ed.), Nakopalniane pracownie krzemieniarskie z okresu neolitu w Bęble, stan. 4, woj. małopolskie / Neolithic flint workshops at the mine in Bębło, site 4, Małopolska (Biblioteka Muzeum Archeologicznego w Krakowie 10), Kraków: Muzeum Archeologiczne w Krakowie, Profil-Archeo, 2021, pp. 195-199.
The description of flint knapping strategies used in workshops at the flint mine in Bębło, Site 4, has been based on the principles of dynamic technological classification. The reconstructed chaîne opératoire was followed in its entirety at the site: from the extraction of flint concretions, through the preparation of precores and the reduction of cores, to the production of standardised mediolithic blades. The preliminary phase consisted in a series of direct blows preparing the striking platform, the back and the sides of the precore. The first phase of reduction involved removing several long and relatively wide blades. Removals of three or four blades were followed by repairs. The final elements of the chaîne opératoire either led to the full exploitation of the cores or revealed flaws in the flint mass. The cores were then abandoned without transformation.
The Bębło collection has not provided any material for radiocarbon dating, but the typological and comparative analysis has shown that core preparation and techniques of reduction used in Bębło were very similar to that used in nearby Sąspów, that was ascribed to the middle phase of the Lengyel-Polgár cycle (LPC).