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9. Wyniki oznaczeń taksonomicznych szczątków drewna

DOI: 10.33547/ODA-SAH.10.ZN.09

Wyniki oznaczeń taksonomicznych szczątków drewna (Taxonomic identification of wood remains)

by Grzegorz Skrzyński 1

1 – Polska Akademia Nauk, Muzeum Ziemi w Warszawie, Aleja Na Skarpie 20/26,27; 00-488 Warszawa

In:  M. Cieślak-Kopyt, D. Pogodzińska 2020. Żelazna Nowa, stanowisko 2. Cmentarzysko kultury przeworskiej z Zapilcza na południowym Mazowszu, Ocalone Dziedzictwo Archeologiczne 10, Radom – Pękowice: Muzeum im. J. Malczewskiego w Radomiu, Wydawnictwo Profil-Archeo, p. 105-106.

Abstract: A number of samples collected during exploration of archaeological features from the Przeworsk culture cremation cemetery were submitted for xylological examination. The samples contained poorly preserved charred remains of wood, which were subjected to taxonomic identification. Anthracological analyses allowed four taxa of woody plants to be identified, with the predominant share of remains belonging to Scots pine Pinus sylvestris. The high share of pine wood fragments may indicate selective acquisition of this species as a material for building funeral pyres. On the other hand, it may reflect the widespread occurrence of this species in the nearby forest communities, which were shaped by human activity.