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4.2. Osadnictwo kultury ceramiki sznurowej / 4.2. Corded Ware Culture occupation

DOI: 10.33547/ODA-SAH.08.Lud.04.2

Osadnictwo kultury ceramiki sznurowej / Corded Ware Culture occupation

by Łukasz Połczyński 1

1 – Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii, Uniwersytet Gdański

In: Joanna Pyzel (ed.) 2019. Ludwinowo, stanowisko 7. Osada neolityczna na Kujawach / Ludwinowo, site 7. Neolithic settlement in Kuyavia, Ocalone Dziedzictwo Archeologiczne 8, Pękowice – Gdańsk: Profil-Archeo, University of Gdańsk Publishing House, pp. 181-184.

Abstract: Chapter 4.2 presents results of analysis of a single pit connected with the early Corded Ware Culture from Ludwinowo 7 with a small find assemblage representing mainly three pottery vessels. The analysis indicates a settlement and not a funeral nature of this feature, which is quite rare.

Keywords: Ludwinowo, Kuyavia, Final Neolithic, Corded Ware Culture

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